Seema Nanda

Anti Ageing – Preventive and Reversing Ingredients 
Anti Ageing
Anti Ageing

If a Product says it is anti-ageing on the box , we don’t even question it. We are so used to the phrase and instantaneously feel  it must be – right?

But, Trust me, this is where we go Wrong.

To be very honest, the most over-hyped and overused phrase has been Anti- ageing.

 The fact is that there are few ingredients that  are no-doubt ‘anti-ageing’,but honestly speaking most of them are  ‘ageing prevention’. Which slow the aging process and definitely do not reverse aging.

Lets jot down  the 3 worst things you can do for your skin before we discuss the anti aging ingredients.

Sun, Sugar and Smoking

Sun – Guard your skin of Sun Exposure . Be absolutely watchful as sun exposure leads to many pigment issues which are tough to handle  .

seemananda antiaeing
seemananda antiageing
seemananda antiageing

Sugar –In layman language, sugar works to destroy your collagen .

Imagine collagen as framework for your face. Every time you eat/drink sugar it is like taking a piece of the Framework away – leading to sagging, loose and drawn skin.

Smoking –
Smoking ruptures the oxygen out of your face with every puff.  If you smoke – try and get help and stop – as soon as you can.

Ingredient Classification for Anti Ageing

Look out for one of these ingredients in anti ageing products

  • SPF
    SPF is anti-ageing. It belongs in the ‘prevention’ category.
  • Vitamin A
    Vitamin A rebuilds collagen, repairs sun damage and is great ingredient to look out for in Anti Aging.
  • Glycolic/Lactic/Salicylic Acids
    These Acids resurface the epidermis, allowing better product penetration  – help rebuild collagen.
    Glycolic and lactic are better for a dryer skin . Salicylic for oily/combination. 
  • Vitamins C and E are both anti-oxidants and come under prevention category
    These two work well together as vitamin C is traditionally water-based and vitamin E is oil based thus protecting both parts of the cell.
  • Niacinamide
    The other name of Niacinamide is vitamin B3 . When used on the skin it has shown to stimulate the dermis and in turn increase the fatty content of the cells along with helping in the retention of water. It has good results with acne sufferers by protecting against bacterial attack

With anti-ageing as the aim – you need some of these in your product – not all at once.


Note Worthy thing with anti-ageing is that our collagen production is  direct link to our ovaries.
Our skin is usually at its best when we are the most fertile. As you near menopause and go through perimenopause you will notice huge changes in your entire system, not just your skin. Hitting menopause has a direct connect to your collagen, it’s a bit like someone takes away a little of the framework that supports your facial structure with each passing year.

So, start taking care of your skin when you get your periods – and step it up a level when you get to 35+ (before if you go into early menopause)

Most importantly, do not forget your SPF whilst using these products.

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